F16 Jets

Fly With Waldo

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Moments of Silence – How to Cultivate Gratitude in Life

Moments of Silence – How to Cultivate Gratitude in Life

My days as a cadet at the Air Force Academy were truly remarkable. The intensity, military regimen, and intense discipline were […]

Train to Win – Developing a Peak Performance Mindset

Train to Win – Developing a Peak Performance Mindset

In the world of the fighter pilot, we have a saying – you fight like you train. We don't train to survive, we train to win! Do you?

Holiday Message – Tighten Down the Rivets

Holiday Message – Tighten Down the Rivets

As we experience this holiday season, I wanted to send you a little reminder to spend some time in the […]

How to Become a Champion of Change

How to Become a Champion of Change

If you want to lead at work, keep your eyes (and ears) scanning for workplace “litter” (corrupt employees, gossip, wasted resources, unreliable partners, etc.) Show others where the litter is and get them on your cleaning crew. Come up with a viable plan. Share the litter and solution with your leadership (if able.) Grab a garbage bag and get to work!

Unconditional Service – The Wingman Way

Unconditional Service – The Wingman Way

Smiles are contagious. And so is the positive energy that results when you acknowledge someone for being special. It’s about honoring one's humanity (which in my opinion is a great way to serve someone.) You never know how your kind word, extra tip or gift will affect someone.

The Most Important Leadership Trait in Business

The Most Important Leadership Trait in Business

When you commit to excellence, lead by example, and set the standard, others will do the same. Leadership takes work and sacrifice.